Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So, I am on the twitter (@pleclair). I was thinking lately it might be useful for posting quick updates for class, e.g., HW hints or notifications of new assignments. (Though I joined for other reasons, mainly because all the cool kids were doing it).

Would this be a useful way to disseminate small bits of course-related info?

(N.B. - it is easy to use twitter to update your facebook status and vice versa. Joining is not the time sink I thought it would be.)


  1. Do we need to have twitter accounts to read your updates?

  2. @Crito: no, there are a few easy options that don't require an account:

    (1) the twitter updates will also be mirrored as my facebook status. You can look at my wall on facebook and see the same stuff.

    (2) just go to periodically

    (3) get an RSS feed of my twitter updates, then you can read them in your aggregator of choice.
