Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday's class / Gravitation

For better or worse, there will be much mathness tomorrow. Two things that can help either before or after the fact:
The idea is that we're going to "derive" Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Newton's law of universal gravitation from some basic principles and one astronomical observation (viz., the existence of orbits described by conic sections).

In the end, you will not be responsible for the derivations, only the main results. You will see the derivations again in PH301 or PH302 (and possibly MA227). The hope is to show you that the main points of Ch. 13 can be derived with a bit more work, which will ideally help you appreciate them a bit better. Also, all that scary math at the beginning of the semester will pay off again, which is nice.

Once that is out of the way, we'll work on some of the homework problems. Thursday, we will make use of our shiny new results, and be able to show that the remainder of Ch. 13 is a bunch of special cases.

Anyway: tomorrow will be a lot of 'I derive stuff not in the book and you watch' than usual, but not without good reason.

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