Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And on the lighter side of physics ...

Modeling the head on a glass of beer.

By the end of the semester, we should be able to do better. Of course, we will not have an associated laboratory experiment.


  1. Is that a Bama "A" that I notice in the background of the video?

  2. Wow, it is, that's crazy!

    Funny, given that the blog author is a faculty member at Southeastern Louisiana State. Would've thought LSU ... maybe that's why it gets covered with a paper towel right away.

  3. I hate to interrupt your class blog, but I thought I would add some info here. I made the video, and I made the blog post. It is an Alabama glass. I graduated from UA in '95 with an MS in physics.

    oh - my wife graduated from Alabama also
    oh - my sister is currently a student there

    oh, I forgot to say Roll Tide.

    unrelated, but I received my PhD from NC State - Go Wolfpack.


  4. @rhettallain - Nice, thanks for the info! It is a small world, isn't it. I didn't arrive at UA until 2005, or I probably would have known you were one of our alumni ...

    Keep up the great work on the blog, I've been scanning it regularly for new ideas. The video analysis problems are great in particular. I should be linking some of your posts here!

    Also, Roll Tide.

