* Office hours will formally be Mon 11-1 in Bevill and Thursday 3-5 in Bevill 228. Other times are more than likely possible, if you send me a quick email/sms/etc (see below) to confirm.
* Most of my day is spent in the Bevill building where I do research, room 228 (office) or 180 (lab). I am really only in my Gallalee office just before and after class, typically. If you would rather meet me in Gallalee, either at the times above or otherwise, this is possible.
* I am on facebook, you can message me there.
* I read email somewhat obsessively.
* You can comment on this blog, I will reply.
* I have an IM account set up for this sort of thing. It is an AOL instant messenger account:

You can use what ever method of contact you find most convenient, they are all OK by me. Don't hesitate to ask questions outside class if you are having trouble with something ... if I didn't want you to ask questions, I wouldn't bother posting all of this ;-)
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