Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Research Work

If you like coding, and want to pick up some research work, let me know. Prof. Williams is in need of students to help out, particularly those who know some Java (though good coding skills are generally valuable, you can pick up the Java you need).

Cool factor: her experiment is a giant neutrino detector in Antarctica, see link above. (Pun intended.) Very exciting work, and you would have a chance to make a real contribution to a world-class international research project.

Let me know if you're interested, or contact Dr. Williams directly (via link above).


  1. This seems applicable.

  2. Notice whatever you like. Ideally, the fact that I'm trying to provide as much information as possible, rather than when I'm doing it.

    If I have to try and impress my class with the hours I keep, I am doing a pretty poor job of teaching.
